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We are pleased to announce that the Winner for the month of November 2023 is Sabrina Ellis.

I would like to nominate Sabrina Ellis for employee of the month for November 2023. Sabrina has worked at Grantham House for almost 4 years now and has been a great asset to the home. Sabrina has positive relationships with all the service users and the staff. It is recognised on a daily basis how Sabrina will arrive to shift with a positive and enthusiastic attitude and is always prepared to start her day. Sabrina will nominate herself daily to complete the cooking as well as also being most enthusiastic when suggesting service users’ activities. Sabrina will always go above and beyond for the service users and will go on holidays and day trips with them and always ensures they have a good time. Sabrina is always responsive to the service users’ needs and remains calm in very challenging situations. We as a team also consider ourselves very lucky to work with Sabrina as she is always a pleasure to be around. Sabrina also has a calming effect on the service users and they all request on a daily basis to be supported by her throughout the day. It is a pleasure to have Sabrina as part of our team.

We would like to congratulate Sabrina on winning Employee of the Month for November 2023 and thank her for her hard work and dedication.

Employee Of The Month