0121 4335666 info@cttm.co.uk

We are pleased to announce that the winner for the month of March 2024 is Neil Young.

We would like to nominate Neil Young for Team Member of the Month, and to thank him for his hard work and commitment to the service users at 55 Daventry Road.

Neil joined our team here at 55 Daventry Road in November 2010, as support worker in Aspen House, and is now night team Leader based in Redwood House. We do not always give our Night staff the recognition they deserve, Neil is a very loyal and reliable member of our staff team, you can always rely on him to be there, especially in an emergency, he is a great example to everyone.  

Thank you for your commitment and continued support to our service users we are lucky to have you on our team at Dunchurch.

We would like to congratulate Neil on winning Team Member of the Month for March 2024 and thank him for his continued loyalty and dedication to the team at 55 Daventry Road and to CTTM, it is greatly appreciated.  

Employee Of The Month